Saturday 29 November 2014

Life in the Georgian Court

As you may have guessed, I have something of a passion for sharing tales of the Georgian era and for more than a year, that's what I have been doing on a daily basis here at the Guide. Today's post is a little different though because I have a rather happy announcement to make.

I am pleased as the proverbial punch to announce that a long-held dream has come true for me and I have signed a contract with Pen and Sword Books! 

Pen and Sword have graciously agreed to publish my book, Life in the Georgian Courta breathless romp through the world of Georgian nobility in the company of the crowned heads of Europe. Stops along the red carpet will include the opulent court of the doomed Bourbons, the absolutist powerhouse of Romanov Russia and the epoch-defining family whose kings gave their name to the Georgian era, the House of Hanover. 

The book, released on 30th June 2016, will give an insight into the defining moments of European royal life in the long 18th century, from happy marriages to forced unions and scandals that rocked society, via kings who barely left a mark on the world they ruled and those who ended their days on the guillotine or even the toilet!

I would like to say an enormous thank you to everyone that has visited the salon whether as a reader, guest writer, commentator or typo-spotter. I shall, of course continue to share tales from the long 18th century here, as well as keep you all updated on my progress. 

Once again, an enormous merci for your encouragement and support, I raise a glass to you all!

Edit: This is just an edit to say thank you to everyone for your lovely words and congratulations; I am overwhelmed!

Order Links:

Book Depository (free worldwide shipping)


  1. Congratulations! Put me down for a copy!

  2. Congratulations. What thrilling news!!

  3. Hugest of huge congratulations! :-D one of the most well-deserved announcements of the year I'd say.

  4. Heartiest congratulations,Madame. They don't know how honoured they are to have you join them?

  5. Congratulations - I am so pleased for you. :)

  6. Congratulations to you,

  7. That's wonderful! Congratulations! I look forward to reading it!

  8. Well deserved, congratualations

  9. Many, many congratulations again - very much deserved, huzzah!!! xx

  10. Congratulations, Catherine! I'm so happy for you. I just know this will be a great resource!

  11. Congratulations - my grand daughter always tells me to dream big dreams and they will come true. Your dream has come true. Good Luck

  12. I'm so excited for you! Wonderful news for a wonderful person. I can't wait to read it.

  13. OMG !!! Catherine, this is awesome !!! I will be waiting for this book, sounds great, I know is going to be a hit !!!! <3

  14. Will your book be made available on kindle or ebook? I had tried to find it to preorder because I know my daughter would die for this book (and your There's) but she is losing her sight and uses ereaders or audiobooks exclusively.

    1. It will indeed, but the date isn't confirmed yet; I expect it to be within the next couple of months though and will update the site as soon as it's released!

    2. I am so happy to hear that! I added it to a few of my goodreads lists and in ereaderiq's notify when on Kindle feature.
