Wednesday 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

Today the salon doors close for Christmas as my rakish colonial gent and I devote ourselves to the festivities. Normal service shall be resumed with a brand new post on 27th December!

I hope you have a wonderfully merry Christmas, however you choose to spend it; if you have a hankering for some 18th century festive cheer, do read my story of Silent Night, and I wish you a most pleasant few days. 

Christmas Eve by William Allan
Christmas Eve by William Allan

Don't forget: the salon doors open again on 27th December!


  1. Merry Christmas, Catherine. I do hope you enjoy your festivities and I'm looking forward to more of your fascinating posts.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement and perceptive comments, Carol, do have lovely Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas, Catherine, or as my Medieval side would say, Waes Hael!

  3. All best wishes for a well deserved rest from wonderful blogging through the year! happy Christmas!

    1. Thank you, sir, for your friendship; have a lovely Christmas!
