Saturday 11 April 2015

The Best of the Georgian Web

It's time to take a peek at the best of the Georgian web this week; settle back and have a browse!

I've been out and about for the last couple of days, so it's a short "Best of", with a start of the week bias!

Great 18th-century Irish art and crafts that took the boat
There was extensive and sophisticated patronage of the arts in Ireland in the 1700s, but much of the work emigrated to the US.

Miss Wish-Husband 
Some old maid's advice from 1748!

Siborne’s Waterloo model
Reuniting tiny soldiers with their swords...

Law Meets Literature
Bleak House and the British Court of Chancery.

Napoleon and the Easter Insurrection in Corsica
How did Napoleon spend Easter in Corsica in 1792?

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