Wednesday 27 May 2015

Call for Submissions

Today I take a small diversion from history to share news of an opportunity for writers of historical fiction; do read on!


Allow me to set the scene. 

Morning has passed by in a slow haze of early summer. The orchestra of birds dance in the air. Fresh buds breathe the warmth of vitality only the waxing summer brings. Sitting in the midst of the backyard garden is an ornate metal table and chairs, dressed with enough tea and treats to sustain the artist who seeks to do nothing more than soak in the beauty of the moment. 

My name is Jennifer Corkill and I am the Acquisitions Editor at Divertir Publishing. We’re an independent publisher located in Salem, NH. Our goal is to provide interesting and entertaining books to our readers, as well as to offer new and exciting voices in the writing community the opportunity to publish their work. 

Right now, I am seeking authors who delight in writing historicals and historical romances.  I want a strong heroine with a charming hero, although perhaps he doesn’t start off so.  If you dabble in alternate histories where you twist the details making the narrative your own, I would love to read that as well. 

Manuscripts need to be between 50-100k words. Previously self-published isn’t a horrible deterrent so don’t lose heart. 
What I do not want: historicals where the character behaves in a fashion that goes against the time period. I want her/his actions to be period and believable. 
Sexual situations are acceptable but we prefer them behind closed door.  
Please send all queries to You can address the email to me, the Acquisitions Editor. We currently only accept queries electronically.

How your email should look:

Name: Your name. Please include your full name in the query. Not including your full name makes it difficult to respond to the query.

Subject: Title, genre, word count (for example: Pride and Prune Juice, romance, 76k)

Body: Your query letter. Please note that queries will often be rejected based solely on the query letter, so it is important your query letter describe your manuscript in enough detail for us to determine if it would be of interest to us. Attach a synopsis and first three chapters of your manuscript in a Word or RTF document.

I look forward to your submissions or any questions you may have. Thank you. 

By the way, can you pass the tarts and perhaps another cuppa? Thank you, darling.

Written content of his post copyright © Jen Corkhill Hunt, 2015.

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